Dream book - interpret your dreams

APPLE if you dream :: Dream Book

APPLE - "you see in a dream, it's a good sign: usually associated with sexual experiences. If you eat it, you will enjoy health and happiness. If you eat red and sweet Apple, you are daring love affair, if acidic or neuzrâla If dreaming Apple – joy; if you are green — you could lose your money invested; if you are mature – short-term grief; if they are overripe — gossip; if you are acidic – expect trouble if they are roasted, will get sick; if you have good taste — happiness; if you are cute – pleasure; if you are bitter – will get a great Rod; if white people — will run your hopes; if you elect them – someone chasing you; If you buy them, you have good friends; If you give them — will be engaged; If you give it to someone, you will meet many new friends; If you got them – it is possible to lose a friend; If you raise them again — love; If you are a tree — expect big trouble; If they are baked or cooked – family fun; If they make the sweet — and predicts a peaceful old age.

"APPLE"- Dreams, Comments and Interpretations

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