TRAIN (SEE WAGON) - If you see in your dream to move, so your actions are developing successfully and will soon enjoy their results. If it is fixed, your work is currently at a standstill. If you travel in a train, in your sleep you have rapid progress. If you miss the train, then you're missing a golden chance or lose your luck. If you travel in first class, you will have a luxury acquisition, however, if you travel in first class, but you don't have a ticket, you cheat yourself or others. If you travel in second class, it's time to let go of her. If you dream to train, get news, and if you run with or after the train, so you're going to be abandoned by a loved one or maybe significantly behind in their work. If you see in a dream or fight in the train crash, the undertakings you will undergo a wreck. If you see a train running over a man, then you need to share your problems or thoughts that's been bothering you, because otherwise they will crush you.
"TRAIN (SEE WAGON)"- Dreams, Comments and Interpretations
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