Dream book - interpret your dreams

PIGEON if you dream :: Dream Book

PIGEON - in a dream is a love symbol If you dream a dove — he is a symbol of peace; if postage – you will get good news; if you are small and white — predicts success; if you feed him – will you come visit if you go to, you're not fair to someone; if you catch him — will make up with your boyfriend; if you miss it, you will be away from the woman; if you can't teach it tricks – recent zadomâvane; if you kill him — will give pleasures; if you eat it – will get the scandal at home you are; If it's in a cage — a temporary parting with her beloved; If you fly – happens to you joy in the family or a pleasant meeting; If you land on your shoulder — will get a date with good friends; If he died — it is possible to lose friends.

"PIGEON"- Dreams, Comments and Interpretations

Submitted by: anonymous
Date: 2024-05-29 Time: 23:02:30
I was on the terrace and PIGEON came out of our apartment and walked towards me, found some seed on the ground and took it, then went to the chair where I was sitting drinking coffee, and there was my child. Get on top of it and snuggle up

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